Monday, October 27, 2008
New Halloween Traditon!!!!
My cute hubby decided to have our families over for dinner and a pumpkin carving contest. We provided the food and everyone had to bring a pumpkin to carve. We set up in our garage, ate a wonderful meal that my hubby made and away we went carving. After every one was done with their pumpkin we set them on my porch all lit up. My mom being the funny person she is told everyone they had to leave their pumpkin at my house and to her surprise they did. We ended up with 12 pumpkins and a new Halloween tradition. The next week we had it at Dustin & Amanda's and the following week after that was at Scott & Tashina's. It turned out to be really fun, but next year you better believe I'm having it last so all the pumpkins will still be good for Halloween. If you really know me, you know that Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Answer the following with only one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? ....................POCKET
2. Your significant other?.......................AMAZING
3. Your hair?....................................STRAIGHT
4. Your mother?...............................EMOTIONAL
5. Your father?...............................CAREFREE
6. Your favorite thing?..........................COMPUTER
7. Your dream last night?........................NONE
8. Your favorite drink...........................PEPSI
9. Your dream/goal?.....................SUCCESSFUL
10. The room you're in?..........................COMFY
11. Your children?.....................................NONE
12. Your fear?...................................WATER
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........SANE
14. Where were you last night?...................JANA'S
15. What you're not?.............................MOM
16. Muffins......................................OK
17. One of your wish list items?.................SPAIN
18. Where you grew up?...........................MAGNA
19. What you read last........................ECLIPSE
20. What are you wearing?...................CLOTHES
21. Your TV?.....................................FREE
22. Your pets?...................................LOVABLE
23. Your computer? ..............................AWESOME
24. Your life?...................................CRAZY
25. Your mood?...................................GOOD
26. Missing someone?.............................OSCAR
27. Your car?....................................DIRTY
28. Something you're not wearing?................SOCKS
29. Favorite Store?..............................TARGET
30. Your summer?.................................BUSY
31. Like someone?................................FRIENDS
32. Your favorite color?.........................RED
33. Last time you laughed........................TODAY
34. Last time you cried?...............YESTERDAY

Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Stop & Smell the Roses!
Last weekend Tyler and I took all our bedding and rugs to the Laundromat. Usually he does this without me. Not thinking anything of it, we were both contributing to getting the laundry done. We had noticed a girl probably our age there with a ton of clothes. We had commented to each other how awful it would be to have to do all of our laundry there. As I was pulling some sheets out of the dryer she says to me "what does it mean if your man doesn't help you with the laundry, that he doesn't care?" I was caught off guard and said "what", she proceeded to ask the same question. I responded "I guess". I told her that usually my husband does this without me, but most guys don't do laundry. After a few more loads of laundry were changed, she asked me if I would leave him. I said "it would depend on if there were other issues" I asked if he helped her out with anything, she said "no". I felt so sorry for her, the look in her eyes and the pain on her face when she was talking about her life was heart breaking. I could see and feel her desire just to have someone love her enough to help out a little here and there. Sometimes life gets moving so fast you forget to stop and smell the roses. I admit I get so caught up in my work and being used to being taking care of all the time. I take for granted the amazing man I have for a husband and best friend. Just a simple thing as helping with laundry would mean the world to someone and I don't even blink an eye. I did luck out, he does the cooking, most of the cleaning and pretty much waits on me hand and foot. And I have the audacity to complain about the way he does things, instead of just being grateful he even lifts a hand. When you think your life is so bad, it's not always greener on the other side. Don't go through life without stopping to smell the roses!!!!
Grab Lunch- Any fast food (it's terrible I know)
Go For Date Night- Dinner at Tepanyaki and a movie at Jordan Landing
Pick Up Some Creative Goodies- Michael's
Keep The Kids Busy- Take them to run with the horses (my puppies)
Get Wet- Not a big fan
Buy a Treat- Sev Slurpee's and Arctic Shakes
Shop for Fun- Park City Outlets or Gardner Village
Ge Some Fresh Air- Go golfing
Splurge- Mom & Daughter shopping day
Drive For A Weekend Getaway- Lava Hot Springs or Las Vegas
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
UofU Competitions Results!!!!
The results are in... we kicked butt. JDS ROCKS!!!
Jitter Bugs- Jazz 1st, Lyrical 2nd
Hot Tots- Lyrical 1st, Jazz 2nd
Miss Fits- Jazz 1st, Lyrical 1st
Gems- Jazz 1st, Lyrical 2nd
Cha-Cha's- Lyrical 1st, Jazz 1st
We were also awarded:
Overall Best Sportsmanship & Overall Sweepstakes High Point
I am so proud of the girls, way to start off the competition season!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Six Funky Facts-Tag
1. I have webbed toes (no, I can't swim faster because of them). My second and third toes on both feet are connected at the second knuckle. I guess it's a genetic thing, my uncles are webbed at the first knuckle.
2. I am a big time knight owl. When it is time for normal people to go to bed, I am just getting started. It drives my husband crazy. I can't help it, I was brought up that way, my whole family including my grandparents love to stay up late.
3. Surprisingly, I was a jock chic all the way up to my 9th grade year. Who would've thought I would have turned into a dancer and opened my own studio?
4. My middle name (Dusty) was named after Dusty Springfield the Singer. I hated it when I was younger because I thought it meant I was dusty (dirty) kids are silly.
5. I married my ex-boyfriends best friend, who was my best friend as well!!
6. When I was two, I named my dog "Hambone" funny huh. He was the best dog!!!
I tag....Jessica & T'Ann
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Competition Here We Come!!!!
This coming weekend is our first competition of the year. It is at the University of Utah, our 12 Soloists compete Friday and our 5 teams Saturday. It is going to be a fun competition!!! The girls have been working so hard, I am so proud of them and I can't wait to see how they do. It is a little nerve racking though... I always teach that it's not about what place you take, it's about how you feel about your performance when you walk off that floor. But sometimes to some people it is all about winning. That's where the nerves come in because if they don't win, the parents blame you not the kid's. I think we have a pretty good shot at placing farely high. This weekend is just the start. April 25 & 26 we have a comp at Juan Diego and May 9 & 10 at Highland High then May 30th is our Spring Recital at Cyprus High. So all you that have girls that love to dance should come check us out. Just Dance might be our name, but that is not all we offer!!!
Easter 2008!
We had Easter at our house. It was kind of crazy with 20 adults, 5 kids and 1 dog but it was fun. Tyler & I hid 96 eggs filled with money for all the Nieces & Nephew. They had a blast!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
I've Been Tagged!!!
Ten Years Ago.....I was a Junior at Cyprus High School. I sweat, ate, drank and slept Spinnakers (the drill team) I was the Vice President that year. We took second at Region and State. I was on my second year with my high school sweetheart. So pretty much it was all boyfriend and Spinnies!!!
Five Places That I Have Visited......I have been a lot of places so I will try and narrow it down to my top fave 5. 1. Las Vegas, Montana, Idaho, Texas and Jamaica (all the little trips I've traveled with my hubby) 2. Mexico 3. Washington DC 4. Hawaii 5. New York
Five Things On My To Do List.....1. Visit Spain 2. Make my business as successful as possible 3. Clean my house 4. Spend more time with Tyler 5. Grocery Shop. Kind of weird mixture of to do's but there they are.
I Enjoy......Hanging out at my house with my Hubby and my dog child Missie. I am kind of a loner! I like to travel, spend time with my family and of course I love to Dance!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Vacation Anyone....
It's time for another vacation, our last one we took was a Southern California Adventure in August 2007 (Disneyland, California Adventure, Universal Studios, Sea World & the San Diego Zoo. It was a fun trip...definitely ready for another.
San Diego Zoo
The Angels Game
Universal Studios
California Adventure
Sea World
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Business.....
What's Up!!!
I can't believe Tyler and I have been married for 1 year and 7 months already, how time flies. We are doing great!! We don't really get to see each other that much with Tyler working 40 plus hours a week at Hawk and I work 30 hrs at Hawk and a trazillion hrs. at the Studio. So when
everyone asks when we are going to have a baby. We are way to busy and besides we already have a baby, our 1 yr. 11 month old, 85 lb. Weimeraner "Missie". I'm not kidding either when I say she is my baby. I love and treat her just like one. I am always telling Tyler to look at her when she does something new or funny. He thinks I'm crazy... Every night she sleeps right between us. There is no baby making with her around if you know what I mean. I have never seen a dog that has as much anxiety has she does. They don't call them "velcro dogs" for nothing. When we go out we take her to Grandma & Grandpa Bateman's where she play's with her brother's Hogan & Blaze. Just like taking the kids to the babysitter's. Missie keeps us quite busy & content. Our lives are way to busy right now to bring a crazy little red headed Zufelt into this world. Hopefully in time we will slow down, get to see each other more and then maybe start discussing little ones.